Experience The Forem

Open Forem is a series of free monthly workshops presented by The Forem, led by our expert facilitators and partners.


Experience firsthand the professional growth and impact that our programs enable for you and your teams. We are excited for you to use these sessions as a preview of how we can fit into your organization’s Learning & Development needs.


✔ JUNE: Presenting Persuasively
✔ JULY: Write for Results

AUGUST: Failing Brilliantly
SEPTEMBER: Stakeholder Alignment

OCTOBER: Critical & Strategic Thinking for Leaders

NOVEMBER: Change Leadership

June - July
August - September
October - November

Register for our UPCOMING WOrkshops

Failure. We’ve all been taught to worship success and avoid failure at all costs. But despite its stigma, failure is an inextricable part of leading companies, teams, and projects to success. The more ambitious and innovative our goals, the more inevitable that we will face failure along the way. As leaders, we must go beyond avoiding failure to helping our teams fail brilliantly.


In this workshop, we’ll help leaders redefine what failure is, and reimagine the vital role failure plays in fueling innovation, creativity, and progress. We’ll ask leaders to look inward, examining their own beliefs and points of view about failure.


Leaders will come away with strategies to fuel failing brilliantly cultures that empower team members to speak up, take risks and learn from mistakes.

For: People Leaders & Director+

Facilitator: Mark Strong, CEO
strong training & coaching logo

Stakeholder alignment is a critical element in managing relationships throughout an organization.


In this workshop, we will teach you how to identify the key people that influence a career, and develop an action plan to turn them into your advocates. We examine effective strategies for packaging an “offer” to executives and other career stakeholders, and highlight steps you can take to continue amplifying your visibility and value throughout your organization.


In the end, you will have more confidence and tools at your disposal to engage with your stakeholders.

For: Any People Leader That Needs to Get Buy-In Across Stakeholders
Facilitator: Jennifer Litwin
VP, Head of Sales & Client Experience
Pink banner for workshop: Enhancing Critical and Strategic Thinking for Leaders

In today’s dynamic business environment, effective leadership requires more than just experience—it demands a refined ability to think critically and strategically. Mastering these skills is essential for making informed decisions and fostering organizational resilience.


During this workshop, we will explore the fundamentals of critical and strategic thinking. We will define these essential thinking styles, emphasize their significance in leadership, and identify barriers to effective thinking such as cognitive biases.


Through practical activities and discussions, you will learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, prioritize continuous learning, and discover personal strengths and gaps in awareness. By the end, you will have a better understanding of critical and strategic thinking and how to apply these skills in your leadership roles.

For: People Leaders & Director+

Facilitator: Karen Kwong, Leadership Facilitator & Executive Coach

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Blue banner for workshop: Change Leadership

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, change is the only constant.


As a leader, your team’s success depends on your ability to guide them through ongoing transformations. This workshop will introduce you to Kotter’s 8-Step Model for leading organizational change and teach you how to apply it effectively within your unique context.


We’ll examine strategies for creating urgency, building coalitions, empowering action, and anchoring change. Walk away with practical techniques to become an influential leader who confidently navigates your team through the constant change inherent in modern organizations.

For: Senior Leaders
Facilitator: Liz Wright, Founder & CEO, LeadWright
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